New Covenant Church Blog

We Wait... An Advent reminder.

Written by April Pence | December 09, 2016

Advent – a season of waiting, anticipation. I just wanted to share a little snippet from my devo that touched my heart. I think we can all agree that all is not well (yet) in this world. We long for His coming…

From “Seeking God’s Face” devo: “More than just remembering Christ’s first arrival, Advent hopes for Christ’s second coming. Advent is a season of expectant waiting, tapping into the sense we have that all is not well, the longing for the world to be made right again. It’s a season for restless hearts and people weary of a broken world who want, with all our being, to know there’s more than this.

Advent cultivates in us a discerning eye, helping us to spot the sin that clutters our lives and notice all the ways we need to be saved. By helping us to hope intensely for restoration, to feel our own need to be saved, Advent prepares us for genuine Christmas joy and faith in the One who saves us from our sin, Jesus.”

I’m asking that He bless you with peace and joy this season,

Much love,


One of Our Missionary Partners


P.S. Keep an eye on your snail mailbox!! I’ve sent out a newsletter. It should reach you before Christmas.