New Covenant Church Blog

Youth Fall Retreat Recap 2020

Written by Erica Stephenson | November 18, 2020

The youth fall retreat was a twist on the familiar this year. A twist on how we did almost everything, as we all have discovered to be true of 2020. From eating and singing, to playing and making it a day only retreat - we found ourselves awkwardly maneuvering the realities of a changed world. And yet, we awkwardly moved together. Our theme was about living generously, and it couldn’t have been more timely. A generous God who shows us how to live generously through Jesus. Below are three stories from the weekend. Thank you for praying for this part of our church family as they continue to walk with Jesus. 


Our theme this past weekend was generosity. Here we are walking back from having discussions out on the dock where we talked being generous with difficult people, including ourselves. And as you can see in the background, the generosity of our Creator was on full display as we watched the sunset together. One of our students turned to a youth leader and said “This has been the best day ever!”.

Skits & Jingles

We did all kinds of things to practice the generous living that Jesus so clearly showed us was a way of life in God’s kingdom when he walked here on earth. One student went home and shared one of the stories we studied over the weekend with a parent - a beautiful picture of how good news gets passed on! Above, it took the form of skits and jingles after we discussed the story that Jesus told when he was asked ‘who is my neighbor?’ in Luke 10.


Sus. A term you need to know if you known anyone who has the Among Us game app on their phone. It just means a person or thing that is suspicious. The socially distanced night game was not without many who were considered ‘sus’ trying to figure out who the ‘imposter’ was. A lot of laughs, a few screams and a heavy dose of competitive spirit were in play during Among Us IRL (in real life). 

If you are interested in connecting with the youth ministry at New Covenant please contact Erica Stephenson at