New Covenant Church Blog

Questions Worth Asking

Written by Christopher Caudle | October 03, 2014


The Anglican Mission just published an interview with Father Carl that you will enjoy. You can follow the link here, to find out his answers to some great questions. “What person has most impacted your life, and why?” “What is one accomplishment in the past that you are proud of?” “Where have you seen the Lord working recently?”

We want you to join us in our Church-wide study, “What Jesus Wants to Know.” Each week, we will explore one question that Jesus asked folks he encountered. Jesus’ skillful questions are well-suited to help us reveal both our hearts and His. Our teacher for the series is Amy Orr-Ewing, a teacher and missionary who has also planted 2 Anglican churches with her husband in London.

Our sessions are taken from a plenary address she gave at this year’s Winter Conference, and we hope that her presentation of Jesus’ genuine interest in how we describe what is going on inside us will challenge us all to speak up and answer these questions for ourselves. Groups will be begin over the next two weeks, and we will publish times and locations.

Please continue to pray for June Brockett, who got the call that a suitable kidney has been found for transplant. What a wonderful answer to so many prayers, and an invitation to offer even more for her care and healing.

See you Sunday!
