New Covenant Church Blog

Some Sundry Sumptuous Salutations and Thanks

Written by Carl Buffington | July 24, 2015

A strange thing happened:
On the way to the close of the vestry meeting last Sunday, right before we anointed and prayed for our Senior Warden, Bill Stone, the treasurer, Rick Moss, reported, among other things, that we were not in the red. It’s the end of June and summer is upon us, a time when I usually write to you all asking for more support. This is wonderful! What am I to do?

Write the letter anyway and say THANK YOU! And THANK YOU again! Please remember to keep giving when and if you are on vacation this summer. And perhaps one more THANK YOU wouldn’t hurt.

Speaking of prayer and prayer concerns:
The epistle (Ephesians 3.14-21) for Sunday underscores the importance of prayer and worship in our life with God as Christians. And the gospel (John 6.1-21) shows us the true source of spiritual nourishment comes only from our Lord Jesus, (then through us and to others) who is the source of, and focus for, our prayer and worship.

Fr. Clint sends out prayer concerns. Pray them as you read them, and conclude with a word or two of praise and worship in thanksgiving. THANK YOU Lord!
And please keep coming on Sunday for praise, worship, prayer, and feeding.

Speaking of Sunday:
Someone said the two hardest words to say in all languages are hello and goodbye. Not always so -- Come Sunday and say “hello, welcome home from Vietnam” to April Pence. And a “goodbye or so long” to Ivan and Felicita Sikha who leave for India this week.

What to do:
Be there for April and the Sikhas. Pray for them. Say “THANK YOU” for serving!

You might want to come early Sunday:
Say about 8:45 for breakfast and a look at the 5 love languages – loving words; kind actions; quality time; thoughtful presents; physical affection – as presented in The Marriage Book. You might even come up with someone to say THANK YOU to for expressing love to you, and discover a way for you to express love. Love is what our life in Christ is built upon according to Paul.

Please Pray:
For us to discern the youth minister candidate called to minister with us and become part of our parish family. There was a list of 28 potential candidates and we are down to two. The search committee, headed by Jane Trnka, and youth staff led by Jackie Fowler, has worked very hard. THANK YOU to the committee, the youth staff, to you all, and to our Lord.
