04-25-2014 Holy Week and Easter

June 16th, 2014 by Carl Buffington

Dear Friends,

It takes a community of faith to make a community of celebration!

What a wonderful Holy Week and Easter!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Three times is the superlative in Hebrew from what I recall -- (As I write this, our GT missionary and Latin American coordinator, Orlando Otorola, is studying Hebrew at our kitchen table so I am trying to, at least, lean that way).

This week at staff meeting we went through a long list of those to whom we wanted to say thank you, and as I try to repeat it I am bound to forget some.  So please know that if that's you, you will get the most special thanks from our Lord.  (If that's not scriptural, we can blame my mother).

Especially for Holy Week and Easter – Thanks to:

  • the Easter sunrise team -- those who got up before dawn cracked to set and direct traffic
  • those who were baptized – 6 infants were baptized and one adult accepted the Lord in her heart and will soon be baptized
  • those who received their first communion on Palm Sunday and those who taught them
  • the people who continually put new flowers around the front of the church
  • the special choir -- those who gather for special events
  • the Easter egg hunt teams -- those who put together the story and those who shared it
  • the thespians -- those who played parts on Good Friday, those who have read the gospel lessons
  • those who put the service together and coordinated it with the town and other churches

A lot happens behind the scenes on any given Sunday: Thanks to:

  • the Altar guild -- set the Lord's table, do the dishes and wash the linens etc.
  • the media techs and sound people -- Easter seemed to be glitch free
  • the kitchen cleaners -- someone was caught cleaning the kitchen without being asked
  • the work day crew -- beautified the buildings and grounds for Holy Week and Easter
  • the coffee hour hostesses -- provide refreshments every week
  • the Sunday School Teachers and C.E. committee -- share God's word with young hearts and minds
  • the office staff -- countless bulletins and notices produced
  • the environmental worship people -- those who create a worshipful ambiance

A lot happens that we might see or might be seen but may not notice: Thanks to:

  • the acolytes -- are an invaluable help in the liturgy
  • the ushers and greeters -- there's the set up and clean up as well as greeting and assisting people
  • the (LEMs) lay eucharistic ministers -- people who take communion to those in the hospitals
  • the worship team -- those who lead us in worshipping from week to week
  • the readers -- those who are bold enough to read God's word
  • the prayer ministers -- those ready to pray with us during the communion time
  • the deacons -- those ordained who serve the altar and lock up the church every week
  • the priests -- those who celebrate the Lord's supper for us and with us
  • the congregation -- this is most of us, if not all, including any left out








June 16, 2014 In Friday Epistles, Eternal LIfe, worship, beloved, AMI, Anglican, Easter, transformation, Jesus
01-03-2014 Things Change
June 16, 2014 In Friday Epistles, Eternal LIfe, worship, beloved, AMI, Anglican, Easter, transformation, Jesus
June 16, 2014 In Friday Epistles, Eternal LIfe, worship, beloved, AMI, Anglican, Easter, transformation, Jesus

About this author:

Carl Buffington

Carl Buffington

Carl Buffington is a bishop in Anglican Mission International (AMI). He has been in ministry for over forty years. He lives in Florida with his wife Barb and their two golden retrievers, Sammy and Tilly.

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